Archive for the ‘News’ Category

  • Mortgage debt relief law extended through 2013

    Jan 09, 2013

    On Tuesday January 2nd, 2013, Congress approved the budget which included extending the  Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act  through December 31, 2013. Prior to 2007, if a homeowner were to “short sale” their principal residence for less than they owed on the mortgage, they would be require to pay income…

  • Your Essential End Of The Year Financial and Estate Check List

    Dec 13, 2012

    It is that time of year again! Just like your annual check up at the doctor, everyone needs a financial and legal checkup now and then to address changing circumstances, such as law changes, divorce, children reaching maturity, new grandchildren, unexpected long term care costs, and, unfortunately, death. Our End…

  • Congrats John and Chris on “Awesome Attorney 2012” Awards

    Dec 12, 2012

    Congrats John and Chris on “Awesome Attorney 2012” Awards   It is with great honor to announce for the fifth consecutive year Rothamel Bratton partners have been named Awesome Attorney by South Jersey Magazine. Partners John Rothamel and Charles Bratton, were among the selected 185 attorneys in the South Jersey…

  • Estate Planning Attorney vs. Internet Software Companies

    Dec 05, 2012

    Have you ever asked yourself the question, “what does an Estate Planning Attorney do that an Internet Software Company (like Legal Zoom) can’t do?  With advertisements like a $69 will, it is a good question! However, if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Follow the link…

  • Important End of Year Letter to Our Clients

    Nov 13, 2012

    A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity Exists Through Year End! Are You Prepared to Capture This Opportunity?  Dear Clients: I, (Charles Bratton, Rothamel Bratton Estate Planning Attorney), write this letter on the eve of President Obama’s re-election and the potential continuing gridlock between the House of Representatives and the Senate. …

  • Thank You For Supporting “Candy For Troops”

    Nov 12, 2012

    A HUGE thank you to all who supported our candy collection for the troops! It was an amazing success and we look forward to doing it again next year! It was truly touching to see young kids come in with their own candy and homemade cards! As we honored the…

  • Attorneys Helping Agents Sell Distressed Homes

    Oct 24, 2012

    According to a recent article published by the, more and more real estate agents are turning to local attorneys to make their short sales and foreclosures process go as smoothly as possible. As the article points out, these transactions require preparation and constant communication with the bank that owns…

  • National Estate Planning Awareness Week

    Oct 19, 2012

      October 15-21 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week, promoting awareness to one of the most overlooked areas of personal financial management. According to a recent article, “Fact is, in today’s rule bound and litigious society, even an 18-year-old college student still covered by his parents’ health insurance needs…

  • Join Us in Donating Leftover Halloween Candy to Our Troops Overseas

    Oct 12, 2012

    WANTED: Your over abundance of Halloween candy! Rothamel Bratton’s Haddonfield location is working with the community to put leftover candy to good use!  Now through November 7th, Rothamel Bratton will act as a drop off for individually wrapped leftover candy to be shipped overseas to our troops. Once collected, we…

  • Is Your Estate Plan Stale?

    Aug 22, 2012

    If you’re like many folks, you may view estate planning as a “once and done”.  This misunderstanding is why most estate plans fail. Instead of estate planning being a “once and done”, it’s really an ongoing process.  Updating is the only way your estate plan will work. Learn why and…