Archive for the ‘News’ Category

  • EYP Supports Camden and Burlington County YMCA

    Jun 11, 2012

    Partner Chris Bratton and 70 other guests attended the “Emerging Young Professionals” (EYP) charity event, hosted at Dubh Linn Square, Cherry Hill, last Thursday evening. The evening benefited the Burlington County  and Camden County YMCA, bringing recognition and raising funds for a long standing, committed organization in our community. The…

  • How Does a Trust Protect my Assets?

    Jun 05, 2012

    Want to understand how a trust can protect your assets? Asset Protection and Estate Planning Attorney, Charles Bratton, posted this free article explaining the differences between the common Revocable Trust and Irrevocable Trust and how one can protects your assets. Learn the main differences between the two, most importantly how…

  • Estate Planning is For All Ages

    May 21, 2012

    Interesting Statistic: WealthCounsel, the leading provider of tools to the Estate Planning community,  shared their latest Trusts & Estates 2011 Industry Trends Survey. Estate Planning is for people of All Ages Estate planning is not just for the retired or the wealthy. It is for people of all ages and…

  • Partner John Rothamel Passed Florida Bar

    May 08, 2012

    Rothamel Bratton Attorneys at Law is pleased to announce that Real Estate Attorney and founding partner John Rothamel has passed the Florida Bar. Rothamel took the Flordia bar this past February with plans to expand Rothamel Bratton LLC to the sunshine state. Stay tuned as details emerge on Rothamel’s admission…

  • What’s the Biggest Loophole in Tax Law Today?

    Apr 25, 2012

      Partner and Estate Planning Attorney, Charles Bratton, explains an often overlooked tool to transfer, and grow, wealth over generations is a Dynasty Trust.  This link is a perfect example. To learn more about Estate Planning options and a Dynasty Trust, Charles Bratton is available to answer your questions at…

  • New Article-Difference between Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy

    Apr 18, 2012

    Rothamel Bratton Bankruptcy attorney, Ari Linden, posted a new article for clients explaining the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. While you should always contact one of Rothamel Bratton’s experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys  regarding your individual situation, we’ll use this article to describe the main differences between Chapter 7…

  • Short Sell Your Home to Avoid Foreclosure

    Apr 16, 2012

    Has the current housing crisis caused you to owe more than your house is worth? Or, maybe you have you been challenged by a recent financial hardship. Regardless of your situation, like many other current homeowners, are you no longer make your mortgage payment? There may be options for you!…

  • Rothamel Bratton LLC Attorneys Named 2012 New Jersey Super Lawyer-Rising Star

    Apr 04, 2012

    Haddonfield, NJ (March, 2011)- Rothamel Bratton Attorneys at Law LLC is honored to announce the firms two partners, Charles C. Bratton II and John D. Rothamel, have been named New Jersey Super Lawyers “Rising Stars” for 2012 by Super Lawyers magazine.   Super Lawyers magazine, published in all 50 states,…

  • Why is it Important to Hire an Experienced Short Sale Attorney?

    Mar 28, 2012

    The current real estate market is unlike any we have ever seen. Real estate values endured a roller coaster ride during the past decade, leaving many homeowners currently owing more than their home is worth. This trend, coupled with the global economic crisis has created an unprecedented volume of properties…

  • Estate Planning: What Happens if I Die Without a Will?

    Mar 19, 2012

    As estate planning attorneys, the thought of someone dying without a will, makes us cringe.  Why?  If you die without a will, you completely lose control.  There are three main purposes for a having a will and each and every person, age 18 or older, needs his or her own…