5 Warning Signs Your
Family May Need Help and 5 Benefits to Creating One
Are you, your family members or clients struggling to meet the needs of an elderly loved one during a chronic illness or disability? Then it may be time to consider preparing for a life care plan. A life care plan takes into consideration your loved one’s various needs, including the priorities and safety and comfort of your loved one. It helps to alleviate stress and empower the caregivers, fostering peace of mind for you and your family. A life care plan also coordinates all medical services, helps you figure out how to pay for the necessary care, both now and later, and making sure there is proper legal protection so that the assets stay where they belong – with your family.
5 Warning Signs:
1. The primary caregiver is suffering from burnout, ill health, frustration, guilt or confusion
2. Family members are confused about care options, what to do next, where to get help and how to pay for long term care
3. The elder is ill or disabled which is causing mobility issues and the children live out of town
4. The elder was recently diagnosed with an illness such as cancer, Alzheimer’s or other chronic condition, has suffered a serious medical event, or has been hospitalized and returning home is no longer an option
5. Normal effects of aging including depression, forgetfulness, and less energy
5 Benefits to having a Life Care Plan:
1. Freedom from the burdens of caregiving and guidance with the ongoing care as the elder’s condition progresses
2. Relief from anxiety about paying for care
3. Peace of mind knowing the right to quality care is protected and the right care will be provided sooner
4. The ability to preserve their independence for as long as possible and to age with dignity
5. The security of knowing that you have an advocate dedicated to maximizing quality of life
Rothamel Bratton’s life care planning team, elder law attorney Charles Bratton and certified social worker Anne Markel-Crozier, will meet with you to fully understand your family’s situation and work with you to create a care plan that effectively coordinates all of the various legal and health components. Call our office at 856-857-6000 to get started.